I will take a slightly contrarian view and say that some history repeats itself but in a new way. When texting SMS first came out with daily or monthly limits and character lengths, young folks invented short form language and parents were appalled because it wasn't "correct grammar". Fast forward today where Gen Z influencers say just seeing "k", "kk", ".", "..." give a whole generation anxiety. and stress. My point is that newer generations will influence the ways of communication going forward. It will become acceptable to use Gen AI for writing and the judgements will diminish. And as Gen AI driven chatbots get become better and better over time at representing us and our personas for casual conversations, they will be used more precisely and autonomously. Imagine getting a notification that your chatbots agents called and spoke to three older relatives today on your behalf for an average of 15 minutes each and then gave you transcripts to review. And so on.